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Any stable genius can really tell that Climate Change is real. Bringing the carbon footprint of any city down to zero requires big changes. So what can be done, and how quickly?

The weather in New York is expected to dip into the single digits this week!

'Get Your Mops & Buckets Ready!' — Trump's Infuriating Answer To Rising Seas…

In a more serious note, since its cold outside, the best thing to do is to Unplug and Chill.

• School-age students, ten-minutes of silence sometime during the school day to quietly write down thoughts in a notebook. Different schools have different cultures, and each school will know how best to institute this period of silence.

• College and university students take courses created by each academic department, where students are required to take at least one such course each semester. Introspective courses, while based in the particular subject matter of the department would have a reduced load of reading and assignments and encourage students to use the free time to reflect on what they are learning and relate it to their lives and life goals.

• In the workplace, a quiet room or similar space where employees are permitted and encouraged to spend a half-hour each day meditating, reflecting, or simply being silent. Smartphones and computers would not be allowed in the quiet room. This period of quiet would not be part of the regular lunch break.

• Families, an unplugged hour during the evening, perhaps during dinner, in which all phones, smartphones, computers, and other devices are turned off. Dinner should be a time for quiet conversation.

• Individuals should think about how they spend their time each day and try to build in a half-hour away from the wired world, such as taking a walk while unplugged, reading, or simply sitting quietly.

• For all of us, mandated screen-free zones in public spaces, where digital devices are forbidden, and labor laws in which workers are guaranteed a half hour each day of quiet time at the workplace.