Defending Digital Democracy

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Utilizing technology along with historical documents and government records We Rule with Digital Democracy for All of US. 

E-democracy is the use of information and communication technology in our political and governance processes. Digital Democracy works in solidarity with communities by using technology to defend our rights. 

This American civics initiative may deliver thought-provoking national programs and powerful educational resources to the public.

These services are facilitated by Americans across the nation onsite and via distance learning, engaging wider and more diverse communities regardless of location.

  • Provide greater transparency and oversight to combat disinformation, define and defend civil rights 
  • Prevent discriminatory targeting that threatens the safety, rights, and full participation of all groups equally
  • Help researchers collect data from digital platforms to conduct and publish studies that inform public debate
  • Increase participation of all registered voters in shaping digital spaces and experiences
  • Use digital media to promote high-quality civic information, and fosters healthy dialogue and participation
  • Advocate for rights and safety online to produce new investments in civic information and public interest media.

How do We benefit from civic knowledge and engagement?

What tools are available for us to engage in our democracy?

How have these tools been used by others in the past?

How can we use these tools in our own life?

How does USA democracy benefit from civic engagement?

These questions will guide us as we explore the big ideas of the founding documents and discover the power we have to make a difference as an important part of  We the People Use Digital Democracy. Check for additional information.

What Is the State of Debate on Digital Democracy?