Submitted by ub on

It's concerning when leaders undermine the free press, as it's a cornerstone of democracy and essential for holding power to account.

My younger self reminds me that the responsibility of civic-minded folks, new media, and all citizen journalists is to continue challenging lies, disinformation, and exaggeration to hold leaders accountable now as it is crucial, particularly when trust in institutions is at an all-time low.

However, it's also essential to maintain journalistic integrity and professionalism, even in the face of attacks and misinformation. Upholding truth and accuracy while providing diverse perspectives is key to rebuilding trust and fulfilling the press's vital role in society.

While the challenges are indeed significant, it's crucial for the media to remain steadfast in their commitment to truth and to continue their efforts to combat misinformation and promote civic engagement. This requires resilience and courage, but it's essential for the health of democracy.   https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7L4t1UiCmY

WARNING Get off your ass, American citizen, and register to cast a general election ballot. https://vote.gov/ I sure as hell have.




OPINE?  cityimages3@gmail.com

Putin fires General Shoigu - will he follow Gerasimov to wherever he is since he disappeared 6 months ago?