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Digital Games: You Can Be A Player
WHEN: Thursday, September 19, 6:30 to 8:00 pm
WHERE: Kumble Theater, LIU Brooklyn, Flatbush Avenue (between DeKalb & Willoughby)

New York is now a major hub for game designers, developers and writers who work in this multi-billion dollar industry. As more opportunities emerge for games on new social networking channels and devices, NYC's gaming industry just keeps growing. Hear from the pros on how to parlay your skills and passion into a dream career.

Wade Tinney, CEO, Large Animal Games
Ben Johnson, Game Developer, The Sims 2 and Dead Space
Megan Gaiser, Chief Creative Strategy Officer, Her Interactive
Jessica Rovello, President and Co-Founder, Arkadium
Moderator: Jill Duffy, Tech Writer, PC Magazine