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The reference to a State of Florida “Brain Drain” is that individuals are planning on moving out.

A brain drain can result from turmoil within an area, favorable professional opportunities in other places, or a desire to seek a higher standard of living. 

Once upon a time, I began my higher education in the Sunshine State. I also got married and my children were born in Florida. Finally, many family members still live there. But that was before #MoRonDisaster began his term of statewide destruction.

Floridians, what has he done to benefit you and your family during his terms in office?



He is expected to file papers with the FEC declaring his candidacy next week, which would formally enter DeSantis into the 2024 presidential race,

And meanwhile, an increasing number of US States are now Poaching Florida’s education administrators and faculty who are reacting to Ron DeSantis's overreach.

Miriam L. Wallace is worrying about something she hasn’t worried about in nearly three decades: moving states.

Wallace joined the faculty at New College of Florida in 1995, and she’s been in Sarasota ever since. Over the years she’s brought in tens of thousands of grant dollars, led the gender studies program, and climbed the leadership ranks. Eventually, she became chair of the humanities division, a job she’s held for the past six years.

This month she’s packing her bags and moving out.  https://www.chronicle.com/article/are-other-states-poaching-floridas-co…

“I Can’t Teach Like This”: Florida’s Education Brain Drain Is Hitting Public Schools Hard

Ron DeSantis’s war on “wokeness” has thrust educators into a legal minefield, pushing many to leave the profession entirely. One union leader says it’s all part of a GOP agenda to eradicate public schools: “This is just a part of their playbook.”


Florida fears brain drain as political interference mounts

As Republicans pile up assaults on academic freedom, the experienced out-of-state president suggests extensive costs to brand value


But besides his #WOKE attacks and those on education, there’s a law to protect car dealerships whose Florida lobby is larger than the #NRA.  https://www.carscoops.com/2023/06/ron-desantis-signs-bill-that-partiall…