Universal healthcare isn’t complicated. 32 of the world’s 33 developed countries have managed to make it work. Why not here?
American corporations are greedy and are destroying our nation. Americans have the world's best health care for the wealthy and the worst for the poor... let us not forget the economic divide.. we need help which may never happen at least for the next four years with the new administration.
In keeping with our theme of trust, the HealthCare.gov identity marker establishes a universal signature across all HealthCare.gov communications. We treat the marker the same across all media. See the rules to follow when using the HealthCare.gov identity marker below.
The Health Insurance Marketplace, the authenticated application where consumers buy insurance, uses a separate and distinct logo. This logo appears in the HealthCare.gov footer.
To ensure that our identity marker is discernable, it requires space as shown below, free of type, graphics, and other elements that might cause visual clutter. There is also a Spanish version of the marker.
This country was born when our founding fathers rejected a controlling king. However, we're still getting the Royal Scam.