Friends of All The People

Submitted by ub on

From Massachusetts to Texas ... from South Dakota to Maine... Newspapers are running editorials as part of a national truth effort.

Journalists are friends of democracy, of truth, justice and We The People. Reporters verify and provide vetted news to allow intelligent consumers a method of analysis. Consider the following, fact-based criticism will never be silenced, while the free press continues reporting the truth.

This modern-day version of McCarthyism against a Red Scare is now a paranoid fear of accountability and some folks may not realize this until it is too late.

Which ones of the following make for a very stable genius... imposing tariffs, failed Kim and Putin Summits, child-separations, tax cuts for the rich, trade war with nations, attacking allies, the press, and Americans, or hiring people like Manafort Omarosa...etc?

When history books are written as this great nation looks back at those who undermined the free press as a fabric of our democracy, the civility, and humanity, harsh judgment will go for the top and those who conspired or remained silent.

Senate passes unanimous resolution avowing a free press…

"The institution of a free press in America is presently in a state of crisis," Without it, "our great American experiment may fail."…

"We are not the enemy; We are the people:" 16 must-read editorials from newspapers taking a collective stand against the President's anti-media rhetoric

As more than 300 newspapers speak out against attacks on the #FreePress, veteran journalist "Trump’s persistent devaluing of the press as 'fake news' has caused considerable one of democracy’s most basic principles." Enemy of the People: Marvin Kalb addresses President Trump’s attacks on the press and judiciary

US newsrooms to Trump: We're not enemies of the people

What our investigative journalists expose isn’t fake news v…

About 350 newspapers will all have one thing in common on Thursday: A statement supporting the free press and decrying President Trump's attacks against the media

We’re not ‘enemies of the people.’ End your war on our free press

A Free Press Needs You

US Newsrooms to Trump: We're Not Enemies of the People | Illinois News | US News…

‘Enemies of the people?’ Simply, plainly — ‘no.’…

350 newspapers run editorials against Trump's press attacks. Now, about their news coverage ...…

Why the San Francisco Chronicle isn’t joining the editorial crowd on Trump…

Trump Rages "Honesty Wins" As Nationwide Anti-Trump Editorial Blitz Strikes…

After more than 300 newspapers spoke out against attacks on the #FreePress, take a look back at @sbg1's essay on being a journalist in the Trump era:

Trump and the Enemies of the People…

Who is making the US increasingly anxious, with negative thoughts that are hurting self-esteem? if you're not sleeping well, if you find yourself needing alcohol or medication for depression, it's time to start reading #DONews