Gonzo Journalism


Not that Gonzo, who is also known as The Great Gonzo or Gonzo the Great Muppet character who is best known for his eccentric passion for stunt performance. Close, but no cigar.

It was 80 years ago this year that American writer Hunter Thompson was born in Kentucky. He was a different type of individual who lived by his own rules.

#CityImages takes a look at his Gonzo Journalism style of writing without any and all claims of objectivity, often including himself as part of the story utilizing a first-person narrative. He began as a sports reporter but became a big-time writer.

Bill Cardoso -- journalist who coined the word 'Gonzo' http://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Bill-Cardoso-journalist-who-coine…

How Hunter S. Thompson Gave Birth to Gonzo Journalism: Short Film Revisits Thompson’s Seminal 1970 Piece on the Kentucky Derby https://goo.gl/YVdekA

Hunter S. Thompson https://www.biography.com/people/hunter-s-thompson-9506260

Before Gonzo: Hunter S. Thompson's Early, Underrated Journalism Career https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/04/hunter-s-thom…

ESPN Gonzo 30 for 30 Short: Hunter Thompson @ Derby - Birth of Gonzo Jou... https://youtu.be/Tue1dFiAk18