Not even close to government in the sunshine. It was more like moonlight madness in Albany this week, where lawmakers are asking The Governor and members of The NY Legislature to lay off those all-nighters.
It turns out that on Wednesday night into the wee hours of Thursday, the lawmakers passed pension reductions, redistricting and casino gambling... All of this was worked out while most of us slept.
Have you ever experienced sleep deprivation? It's used to confuse people to get them to do make decisions under duress. When it’s 5a all you want to get home and go to sleep.
Three Republican assemblymen from Albany are drafting legislation to end this practice. Their measure would ban the Senate and Assembly from passing legislation between midnight and 8 a.m, except for emergencies.
Ironically, this all-nighter came during Sunshine Week, an annual initiative started by the American Society of Newspaper Editors to promote the principles of open government. Yeah right!