How's It Going?

Submitted by ub on

Not too well, if we trust scientists researching our global pandemic and the climate crisis that Republicans insisted was fake news.

THANKS FOR ASKING - This is a good answer if you want to be gracious and share something but not get into a heavy discussion. The “thank you for asking” upfront warms up your response by showing that you appreciate the question. Saying that you are doing well indicates that you want to offer some insight into your life.

JUST HAD MY COVID-19 SHOT - Here’s an answer to say, to a friend, a colleague, or an acquaintance you haven’t seen for a while. We all crave connection these days and sharing something specific strengthens your ties with the other person. It could be that you got your vaccination, or that you love the warm weather and sunshine “things are good, I’m loving this warm weather,”or that you’re having a particularly great day “I’m having a great day: slept well, had a terrific workout this morning, and now you and I are together.” Follow that up with, “and how are things with you?

HANGING IN THERE - The fact is, everyone is struggling in some way. And having an answer that tells us the other person is having a demanding week and is “hanging in there,” makes us feel that we are not alone in what we are struggling with. I also like the “whirlwind” part of this answer. This actually was the response given to me when I asked a friend how they were doing recently, via email. She provided some specific context about what she was working on and asked what I was up to, which gave me an opening to share. 

ITS BEEN ROUGH - Depending on the situation, this might be a good, honest reply. But if you’re spilling all, you’ll want to make sure you’re sharing with someone who will listen and provide counsel or sensitivity. When you say “it has been a rough week,” or “things are so busy,” or “I don’t know how long I can take it,” you are essentially reaching out for help. It’s good to do that, and there are many people today who need that support.

WAITING FOR THE PANDEMIC TO END - This final option is an upbeat, sincere answer that focuses on the future and the return of some semblance of normality. Focusing on the future not only is an uplifting strategy, but it avoids having to articulate some of the more complex feelings we are now experiencing. 

And now that masks are starting to come off, it may be time bring on the necessary hugs and handshakes we so desperately need today.