Interracial or Interethnic Relationshps

Submitted by ub on

Interracial relations in the US have reached an all-time high, with a record 1 in 12 weddings taking place between people from different racial backgrounds.

These figures indicate that attitudes towards Interracial marriage have changed dramatically. In the United States it was just 43 years ago when interracial marriage was made fully legal in all 50 states. Today, in many countries, interracial marriage is commonplace and most don’t even give it a second thought. Interracial marriage can convey a relationship between a Black and an Caucasian, a Hispanic and an Asian, etc.

This rise in interracial marriage indicates that race relations have improved over the past quarter century. Mixed-race children have blurred USA's color line. They often interact with others on either side of the racial divide and frequently serve as brokers between friends and family members of different racial backgrounds.

But The United State of America still has a long way to go to reach the term united. For example, a Kentucky church recently voted to ban interracial marriages and prevent mixed-race couples from becoming members. Thankfully the entire congregation voted to overturn the ban. Anti-miscegenation laws criminalizing interracial marriage were on the books in many states until 1967; Alabama did not officially lift its ban until 2000. And in April 2011, a Public Policy Polling survey found that 46 percent of Republicans in Mississippi still think interracial marriage should be illegal.…

Around 8% of U.S. marriages are interracial, up from 3.2 percent in 1980. Out of marriages performed in 2010, 15 percent were interracial.

This study relied on U.S. Census data and information from the American Community Surveys taken from 2008 to 2010.