Journalism on The Ropes

Submitted by ub on

Local news is becoming more difficult to find and the unfortunate outcome is that it keeps hurting our fragile American democracy.

The world needs more local news and less individual views.Two decades ago, I accepted a gracious offer from one of America’s wealthiest businessman. Chuck Dolan hired me to build, recruit, train and launch News 12 The Bronx. It was originally supposed to be as local as local news can get. We applied the term hyper local.

Since then, Jeff Bezos purchased The Washington Post and other wealthy individuals have followed at The Los Angels Times and others.

However, the trend for covering local news appears to be elusive and we cannot afford to let it slip away from our Lexicon.

Abundant research in recent years has found that strong local journalism builds social cohesion, encourages political participation, and improves the efficiency and decision-making of local and state government.