Let'm Eat Flour


First came the cake, then the flowers. Now The US Supreme Court has ordered a new lower court hearing for a florist who refused to service a gay wedding. Flour is made by grinding raw grains and used to make different foods, including cakes.

The US Supreme Court is the highest federal court according to the Constitution and has discretionary appellate jurisdiction over all court cases involving issues of jurisdiction over a small range of cases.

Supreme Court won't hear a case of anti-gay marriage florist https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-wont-hear-case-of-anti-gay-m…

Supreme Court ducks dispute over florist who refused gay wedding request https://m.investing.com/news/world-news/supreme-court-ducks-dispute-ove…

First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing https://usat.ly/2yGbvHB