Mother Nature’s Scorn

Submitted by ub on

On the eve of Mother’s Day 2020, Mother Nature reclaims herself. She creates, she protects, she nurtures, but when threatened she can certainly destroy all of us, if we don’t straighten up and live the right way, we will all perish.

The recent pandemic, the financial collapse, and the current weather conditions should act as the three warnings that Mother Nature is reminding us that she’s the real boss. Has mother earth 🌍 started to treat us with scorn rejecting humanity? Are our contemptible or unworthy activities being scorned In a scathing reply to reply say guilty as charged?

At the very least, humans need to consider if nature is contemplating pulling out the welcome mat in the name of Ecology?

is Mother Nature seeing that after all these years, humanity is worthless, despicable and full of contempt for all of us?

World leaders are out of touch with reality and ignoring scientific research designed as a concrete warning of the clear and present danger we face if we continue on this path of destruction. Is humanity causing so much damage to the universe that it may no longer exist and the wrongs can not be reversed or repaired?

These are the world’s oldest journalism organizations that have been reporting real news longer than anyone anywhere on earth. Read the headlines and understand this is no way to live if we wish to continue our existence on this our only universe.
