Submitted by ub on

Byte me… Attention all clock-squatters traveling around the World Wide Web. Here’s a ballistic bud just for you to digest. 

Trump's inauguration took place indoors due to the frigid temperatures in Washington D.C. It was the coldest Inauguration Day since 1985 when Ronald Reagan, too, was sworn in inside the Capitol Rotunda.

Like Reagan, Trump may have tried to clip the eagle’s wings of the FAA and it was a disaster. This is why journalism is the first draft of history and why it unfortunately repeats.

As a former writer-producer and award recipient for NBC News Overnight, GOP Administration lapdogs, passed off absurdities as if they were normal. 

Only Linda, Lloyd, Bill, Herb, Deborah, Cheryl, and our overnight staff questioned everything and repeated on network TV: "Do they expect us to believe that garbage?" 

Our news program was inevitably short-lived. But during the time we went without sleep, we believed a dissenting voice might be possible and could make a difference. Unfortunately, history repeats, while many things change but stay the same.

BRING BACK OVERNIGHT- And so it goes....
