News vs Views

Submitted by ub on

The definition of news is the exception to daily verified occurrences. News must always be fact based, unbiased report of events.

Views are typically editorial pieces where they chose a subject or event in accordance with the editors personal views.

The news does not include the thousands of airplanes that safely landed all over the world. it is about the ones that crashed and the carnage caused by the accident or sabotage.

Some organizations are better at providing news than others; others are considered biased when actual fact their reporting is fairly balanced; and a majority are as middle ground as one can reasonably be.

As news is written by journalists, it is virtually impossible not to detect some slant though the better quality papers are better than most.

Graphic violence generally consists of any clear and uncensored depiction of various violent acts. Commonly included depictions include murder, assault with a deadly weapon, accidents which result in death or severe injury, suicide, and torture. In all cases,

it is the explicitness of the violence and the injury inflicted which results in it being labeled "graphic". In fictional depictions, appropriately realistic plot elements are usually included to heighten the sense of realism  blood effects, or prop weapons 

In order to qualify for the "graphic" designation, the violence depicted must generally be of a particularly unmitigated and unshielded nature; an example would be a video of a man being shot, bleeding from the wound, and crumpling to the ground.

Graphic violence arouses strong emotions, ranging from titillation and excitement to utter revulsion and even terror, depending on the mindset of the viewer and the method in which it is presented. A certain degree of graphic violence has become de rigueur in adult "action" genre, and it is presented in an amount and manner carefully deliberated to excite the emotions of the target demographic without inducing disgust or revulsion.

Even more extreme and grotesque acts of graphic violence are often used in the horror genre in order to inspire even stronger emotions of fear and shock which some consumers would presumably be seeking.