Political Conventions

Submitted by ub on

Over the years, I have covered and attended political conventions for The Democrats as well as The Republicans. However, this will be a first for me and the entire American family of delegates and registered voters. 

#POLY #TICKS #CON #VENTION  Poly are many... Ticks are blood-sucking parasites... Con means confusion... Vention is about the past https://cimages.me/content/political-convention

The @DemConvention is scheduled for next week and @GOPconvention is expected to begin on August 24, Both will lack crowds, but will have plenty of media coverage.  c-span.org  #CSPAN https://www.c-span.org/

The big three TV Broadcasters @ABC, @CBS and @NBC are gearing up for an hour of nightly coverage Starting at 10 p.m. EDT.

#CityImages will also be offering high points, along with very low points, and will include not so proud moments, like some we have witnessed in the past. Here are some highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcVEZc5KJFw

Coronavirus upends conventions, changes TV coverage https://apnews.com/03cecc8ff7f3d0cae33f0d377928bde4?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=APEntertainment&utm_source=Twitter 
