Submitted by ub on

The American presidency is not what it once was. POTUS' latest tweet points to a devolution of the American Presidents from the neutral, unifying office envisioned by the Framers of Our Constitution into the demagogic, partisan entity of our day.

There were tall ones, short ones, fat ones, and skinny ones. But did all Presidents serve the USA well and to the best of their abilities?

On the third Monday of February Americans, enjoy a day off to take advantage of holiday sales and we celebrate Presidents Day, also known as Washington's Birthday, which honors President George Washington, who was born on Feb. 22, 1732.

In 1971, it was moved to Mondays as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. This day became Presidents Day and viewed as a time to recognize all our presidents, past and present. It's a federal holiday, so institutions are to be closed.

A President hastens to the scene of conflicts, natural disasters to comfort citizens.

Which President misrepresented DOJ Justice Department?

Which President vowed to help America’s poor?

Which President embraced Communists?

Which President freed the slaves?

Which Presidents played golf?

Which Presidents got impeached?

Which President ‪followed Rules of Civility? ‬

Which President declared multiple bankruptcies?

Which President is the Father of Our Nation?

Which President said The Buck Stops Here?
Which President liked to tell the truth and which one lies?

Which President has been making money while refusing to show his taxes?

Let the US drop Presidents Day and make Election Day a paid day off National Holiday!