Submitted by ub on

It is so sad to see America, the Beacon of Liberty brought close to its knees by the GOP, as Trump is increasingly at odds with former presidents as well as Republican leaders.

34 indictments
3500 lawsuits
22 rape accusations
2 articles of impeachment
2 friend child sex traffickers
1 porn star NDA
1 Impeachment

The Republicans are also referred to as the GOP has one main rival, the Democratic Party. The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of slavery into the USA. Trump and his administration officials' job is to safeguard the health and safety of all Americans and not attempt to happy talk people back to work. They appear to be fully compromised by spreading harmful info throughout #USA.

Also, two of Trump's top officials are now pointing the finger at the administration's own scientists and Americans' pre-existing health conditions to explain the country's world-leading Covid-19 death toll.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar suggested Sunday that underlying health conditions, including among minorities, were one reason for the high American death toll -- nearly 90,000 as of Sunday evening. And Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro added the government's own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to its list of scapegoats alongside China and the Obama administration.

 Former President Barack Obama on Saturday criticized U.S. leaders overseeing the nation`s response to the coronavirus. https://apnews.com/3c5e128d1574820db1db46b08e3556aa?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow

GEORGE W. BUSH FINALLY SAYS WHAT HE THINKS ABOUT TRUMP https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/george-w-bush-donald-trump

Bush calls for unity. Trump attacks Bush. And then a host of others. Bush calls for unity. Trump attacks Bush https://www.startribune.com/bush-calls-for-unity-trump-attacks-bush-and-then-a-host-of-others/570162772/

'A threat to accountable democracy': Some Republicans object to Trump dismissal of federal watchdog https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/05/17/republicans-object-state-department-inspector-general-firing/5209317002/ …

'Obamagate': Trump pleads with top Republicans to back new theory to help him win the election. While Trump supporters have enthusiastically taken up the new theory, top Republicans have so far been more circumspect https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/trump-obamagate-a9518571.html

Swing-state Republicans warn Trump's reelection is on shaky ground https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/18/swing-state-republicans-trump-pandemic-261955
