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Preventing and treating foot Conditions

Submitted by ub on

Think for a moment about what we ask of our feet—every day, most of the day.

We ask them to carry our full weight and take us wherever we want to go. Jammed in a hot shoe all day, taking the brunt of daily travels, the foot is often overlooked when it comes to health and fitness. But once it starts to hurt, it will quickly remind you of your neglect.

But, the good news is that feet are resilient. With regular attention and timely treatment when needed, you can keep your feet healthy and happy.

In Foot Care Basics you will learn the best ways to:
• soothe aching arches and Achilles tendons
• shrink corns and calluses
• prevent bunions and blisters
• treat everything from hammertoe and ingrown nails to heel bursitis and stress fractures.

Like every Special Health Report from Harvard, Foot Care Basics brings you clear, calming, and useful information.

You'll learn how to address plantar fascists, the leading cause of heel pain, without surgery. You'll gain the know-how to properly treat a sprain, to determine if you've broken a bone, to halt toenail fungus, and to effectively soothe pain of osteoarthritis in the feet.

The report is also packed with practical steps to keep your feet strong, supple, and problem-free. You'll be alerted to the mistakes people often make when buying shoes, walking, or even clipping nails. You'll master easy exercise routines for stronger, more limber feet. And because the report comes from Harvard Medical School, you'll be briefed on the latest advances in foot care and treatment, from minimally invasive surgery to safer pain-relieving medications and more.

Discover how you can prevent and treat those conditions that can make walking painful and how you can achieve and maintain the “foot fitness” that will help you stay mobile, active, and engaged. Keep the spring in your step and order your copy of Foot Care Basics today.