
The Federal Communications Commission has proposed the first-ever privacy protections governing Broadband Internet Service Providers. This could become one of the biggest wins for online privacy we’ve seen in a long time.

However, the broadband carriers are putting up a fight. Big companies like Verizon and Comcast want the freedom to sell our data to the highest bidder. They are lobbying the FCC hard to weaken new rules so they can continue monitoring our data.

The FCC is taking public comments about the new rules. Now is your chance to tell the FCC to make the rules as strong as possible. If you wish to raise your voices to #TakeCTRL of our broadband data and ensure the FCC stays on task to protect our private data, communicate with...

Tom Wheeler, Chair, Federal Communications Commission

Dear Sir:

Regarding proceeding number #16-106 Internet Service Providers should protect the privacy of all equally. We need strong broadband privacy protections to ensure this.

Stand up to pressure from Internet Service Providers by enacting strong protections that give consumers control over their information.

Don't allow ISPs to evade privacy protections with "pay for privacy" schemes, and ban them from monitoring the content of our communications.


John Q Public