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The streets of Rome all around the Vatican were filled wall to wall for blocks with the faithful, as the greatest moment in holy history, while Pope Francis canonized two saintly predecessors hailing them as models for the faithful with their goodness and heroic virtues.

JOHN XIII, LIBERAL POPE * (1881-1963) He was known as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli. He was a man who could transmit peace; a natural, serene, cordial peace; a peace that upon his election to the papacy showed itself to the world and was called goodness. It's so beautiful to find a priest, a good priest, with goodness. And this makes me think about something St. Ignatius Loyola used to say to the Jesuits — I'm not making publicity here! — when he spoke about the qualities that a superior should have. And he said: he must have this, that and the other thing, a long list of qualities. But at the end he said: 'And if he doesn't have these virtues, at least let him have goodness.' It's the essential thing. He was a father, a priest with goodness."

JOHN PAUL II, CONSERVATIVE POPE * John Paul II (1920-2005), Karol Jozef Wojtyla was the chosen one for Polish people and the church in Poland, who revered John Paul II and he still continues to inspire many. His fight against Communism, his words, his writings, his gestures, his style of service. His suffering lived with heroic and inspirational hope.