Say No To Rubio

Submitted by ub on

A former Speaker of the Florida House, Republican Marco Rubio boasted a son-of-immigrants story that rivaled GOP Senator Ted Cruz.

US Senator Rubio, FL, like Cruz, TX commanded a great deal of respect from conservative activists. But that was then and this is now. The Hispanic population of these two states alone is: Texas at 9.794.0003 Florida at 4.354.000

Rubio is up for re-election and appears to be getting desperate with his campaign emails.

Marco Rubio; I’m sorry to reach out right now. Please know that I hate writing this -- I’m only doing so because what I have to say is important.

Here’s the deal. Easter directly lined up with my first deadline since learning my opponent raised a record-breaking $10 million in Q1, and it threw a giant wrench into our budgeting. Especially, being only months away from the election.

My math shows that we are about $52,721 behind where we need to be. 

This money could go directly to building out more field offices, contacting more voters, financing our day-to-day operations, developing a robust research and data team, and doing everything we can to ensure Florida doesn’t fall under the control of Democrats.
Will you PLEASE chip in whatever you can today? Our grassroots operations are literally financed by folks who give $25, $50, or even $100 here and there because they believe in something bigger than themselves. They believe that when we all work together, we can make a difference. Even though the Cuban American US Senator seems to have forgotten his roots, his mother didn’t.

This voicemail was reportedly left by his mother SPANISH - Según los informes, este correo de voz fue dejado por su madre.

Marco Rubio: Lamento comunicarme en este momento. Por favor, sepan que odio escribir esto, solo lo hago porque lo que tengo que decir es importante.

Aquí está el trato. La Pascua se alineó directamente con mi primera fecha límite desde que supe que mi oponente recaudó un récord de $ 10 millones en el Q1, y arrojó una llave gigante en nuestro presupuesto. Especialmente, estando a solo meses de las elecciones.

Mis matemáticas muestran que estamos alrededor de $ 52,721 por detrás de donde necesitamos estar.

Este dinero podría ir directamente a construir más oficinas de campo, contactar a más votantes, financiar nuestras operaciones diarias, desarrollar un sólido equipo de investigación y datos, y hacer todo lo posible para garantizar que Florida no caiga bajo el control de los demócratas.

¿Por favor aportarás lo que puedas hoy? Nuestras operaciones de base son literalmente financiadas por personas que dan $ 25, $ 50 o incluso $ 100 aquí y allá porque creen en algo más grande que ellos mismos. Creen que cuando todos trabajamos juntos, podemos marcar la diferencia.

Before sending US Senator Rubio money, listen to this voicemail that was reportedly left by his mother.   

Según los informes, este correo de voz fue dejado por su madre.

If you do not speak Spanish, then have it translated. The takeaway is don't attack immigrants. We are also immigrants.

Lo Imperdonable