Submitted by ub on

Dozens of City Island residents took time from their busy schedule to organize a petition drive and gathered dozens of signatures. The petition asks that several speed bumps be installed along King avenue between Ditmars and Fordham street. These concerned community members are requesting this due to the cars and tow trucks exceeding the speed limit. The organizers are asking City, County and NY State officials to STOP these speeding drivers, before it's too late and someone gets hurt there. The group claims that 13 young children and 19 senior citizens are living in that area. Furthermore, they say that the speeding cars are a constant danger to the vulnerable residents.

The petition was circulated at last week's CICA meeting, where additional signatures were added to the list and was turned over to the CICA Board, The City Island Civic Association. City Island Images contacted CICA VP Fred Ramftl, today and we were told that they were waiting to write a letter, adding "when I hear anything, I'll let you know." We wondered what else he needs to hear besides the the wishes of the community?

Meanwhile, City Island Civic Association Web page claims that " By all accounts, traffic enforcement on City Island has been very effective. Our thanks to Captain Green of the 45th Precinct, his officers and our own Traffic Committee Chair Paul Nani."

The City Island Civic Association meets on the last Tuesday of every month (except December) at the City Island Community Center, 190 Fordham Street. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m. The Web page goes on to claim that "Residents of City Island who wish to bring their concerns to the attention of the organization are welcome to attend." So we wonder... What happens after that?