Submitted by ub on

A possible new public enemy, Social media is driving, and in some cases, predicting, violence world wide. ... In the same way that flyers taped to light poles used to announce parties, news of a big gathering, this new form of communication is being manipulated by terrorist groups,

Public safety agencies have taken notice and it is just a matter of time before this policing increases. Social Media was created to curate conversation around the world's most innovative practices, but privacy rights have to be balanced with terrorist organizations using this form of communication for radicalization.

The Islamic State has proven effective at using online outlets to promote a jihadist causes, through videos of mass be-headings. Terrorist organizations have emerged as an international security threat, composed of large groups of cyber-terrorists.

The following are suggested feeds to follow:


@INTERPOL_HQ INTERPOL General Secretariat
@TurnBackCrime Public awareness campaign
@INTERPOLWorld Global policing forum, Singapore, April 2015
@INTERPOL_Cyber Cybercrime
@INTERPOL_EC Environmental crime
@INTERPOL_TIGC Trafficking in illicit goods and counterfeiting
@INTERPOL_HTCE Human trafficking and child exploitation
@INTERPOL_GCI INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (Singapore)
@INTERPOL_TRA Training and capacity building
@INTERPOL_HR Recruitment
@IIPCIC International Intellectual Property Crime Investigators College
@INTERPOL_Sport Integrity in sport
@INTERPOL_EDU Student Zone: educational material for 13-18 year olds
@INTERPOLwanted Fugitive investigation services