Superman Is An Immigrant.

Submitted by ub on

The story of Superman and his motto for truth, justice and the American Way is something that has connected Americans for decades.

It's a story that reminds us that the greatest powers we have - truth and justice - don't require "super" anything. They are within all of us.

WE are all the American Way.

As the new Superman film "Man of Steel" hits theaters this Friday, Define American is excited to team up with the Harry Potter Alliance’s "Imagine Better Network," to launch the “Superman Is An Immigrant” Campaign - and we need your help - add your story:

Born on Krypton, Superman, or Kal-El came to America with the promise of Hope - the symbol he bears on his chest. I understand Superman’s hope and his alter ego, Clark Kent. He’s a journalist like me, and like many undocumented Americans, for many years he had to conceal his true identity before letting people in.

Check out the Superman Is An Immigrant Campaign at and follow the instructions to upload your own image and story with the hashtag #IAmTheAmericanWay

This is a great opportunity to have a conversation about immigration in a fun way that anyone in America can get behind!

In truth and justice and the American Way!