Did you hear the one about the former guy who changed team allegiance during the ninth inning because he was losing the game?
Mr. Perdue’s impending downfall this coming Tuesday’s primary for Georgia governor looms as the biggest electoral setback for The former guy since his own defeat after the 2020 presidential election. This humiliating setback should be followed by many bigger losses as folks realize that he can’t win without Russian assistance.
Pence-Backed Kemp Pulls Away From Trump-endorsed Perdue: GA Primary Poll
Trump washes hands of Perdue in Georgia as his campaign limps into the final stretch
Trump, who recruited Perdue to challenge GOP Gov. Brian Kemp, groused about a lackluster effort and won't make any more appearances ahead of Tuesday's vote, sources said. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/trump-washes-hands-perdu…
Trump Faces Another Round of Humiliation in Georgia https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/05/trump-faces-more-humiliation-in…
Trump ditched Mo Brooks for going ‘woke.’ Now he’s rising again in the polls.
Two months after Donald Trump withdrew his endorsement, the Alabama congressman could very well advance to a Senate runoff. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/22/trump-mo-brooks-alabama-senate…
Meanwhile, back at the fat farm aka Mas-Flabo we find The lord of the lies, Donnie do nothing, and The lying king…
Donald Trump is involved in so many lawsuits and investigations that it can be difficult to keep them all straight. Forbes is making that easier, with this one-of-a-kind tracker following Trump’s troubles. Tracking Trump: A Rundown Of All The Lawsuits And Investigations Involving The Former President https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2022/02/10/tracking-trump-arun…