US Border Security Issues

Submitted by ub on

Prepare for the war zone and death trap that is and has long been our border with Mexico did not begin with POTUS Trump. He isn’t the first president to make a case for sending troops to the border to fend off a perceived crush of undocumented immigrants. And he likely won’t be the last.

The US border has indeed become a place where the world’s most powerful military faces off against people who represent blowback from various Washington policies and are in flight from persecution, political violence, economic hardship, and increasing ecological distress.

Back when I was a news executive with Spanish-language TV in the 80's, we produced a series called Fronteras De Sangre, or Borders of Blood. The reporter was a Bolivian born journalist named Marcelo Urquidi. His videos were graphic and gained the attention of US Border Patrol and National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Awards. I have reached out to Telemundo for a copy, but since this was long ago, I am not going to hold my breath.

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