Where's Putin POTUS Proof?

Submitted by ub on

These two spin doctors may both be suffering from acute anti-social diseases and some fear it may contagious. Whatever happened to Trust but Verify in the GOP Lexicon? Originally it was a Russian proverb Doveryai, no Proveryai Russian: Доверяй, но проверяй; Trust, but verify. The Russians like to talk in proverbs. It would be nice to apply, instead of rolling the dice. The devil in the details. There you go again - https://cimages.me/node/8883

Republican FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that Russia continues to engage in malign influence operations in the USA. Putin and Trump say not so. What else can you do, believe the experts or those two, who have a track record of lying to you?

How, or why should everyone believe anything that was supposedly agreed to when two parties insist on meeting in secret without anyone else present? Not even an official record made by their most trusted advisors and signed by both parties, nor an outline of agreements.

POTUS and Putin your money where your mouth is. You must follow through on a series of points that were discussed or talked about, threats, promises, and especially any final agreements. A few days after Trump and Putin met in Helsinki, Russians are talking about agreements, but Americans have no idea what was agreed. He works for all of US. Tell him this is not normal.

They say they are getting along better than ever; now let's see if they'll put his money where their mouths are and prove it with hard facts. Nobody is opposing the results because none have been put forth. Who wants a confrontation between Russia and the USA? Everyone wants proof of positive change and must demand the real truth. https://dearmrpresident.org/

POTUS insists the summit was the best one ever and Putin chides Trump's opponents, calls summit a success https://apnews.com/352294ed755543edaaa8c139c86d8892

A historian surveys the wreckage of the Trump-Putin summit https://www.vox.com/conversations/2018/7/19/17588518/trump-putin-helsin…

US officials say allies discounting Trump-Putin summit as 'meaningless' https://cnn.it/2uuoac7

Trump Putin: Russian leader attacks US critics of summit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-44870835

Congressman moves to subpoena interpreter from Trump-Putin private meeting http://hill.cm/sINXTRZ pic.twitter.com/Nxrr0ubxiU

Poll: Huge GOP majority backs Trump's Putin performance https://www.axios.com/republicans-poll-donald-trump-press-conference-pu…