Why have there been so many neighborhoods left out? New York City's nearly two-week-old bike-share program already is among the largest on earth, but it has neglected neighborhoods where the majority of the population lives.
Many bike stations are located in Brooklyn and selected Manhattan neighborhoods.
The solar-powered docking stations and the nearly 6K blue Citi Bikes can be found in Manhattan, below 59th Street and selected neighborhoods of Brooklyn. But many neighborhoods including Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, are left bike-less.
Why is ut that the bike-share program includes a few racially and economically diverse neighborhoods? The bikes are in neighborhoods, which are are more affluent and have fewer minority residents.
Students at New York University in Greenwich Village are able to choose from half a dozen bike stations nearby, while students who are 6 miles north at Columbia University have decided to launch their own bike-share programs.
Those in Bronx are miles away from the nearest bike station on 59th Street in Manhattan.
Meanwhile, this week Mayor Bloomberg declared the bike-share program a great success... Keep on peddling that stuff, Mike!