St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site
897 S. Columbus Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Contact: David Osborn at 914-667-4116;
Women’s History Month Program, at National Historic Site in Westchester County,
Saturday afternoon, March 8
An exploration of the interesting and varied connections of three famous American women to the church commemorates Women’s History Month at St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, in Mt. Vernon, Saturday, afternoon, March 8. At 1 PM, a digital presentation chronicles the associations to St. Paul’s of Anne Hutchinson, Abigail Adams and Eleanor Roosevelt. At 2 PM, enjoy “Women Dancing Thru History,” a special dance program dramatizing the lives of the three women, performed by the renowned Ajkun Ballet Theatre
Parking and admission are free; light refreshments served.
When: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 1 to 4 PM
Where: St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, 897 South Columbus Avenue, Mt. Vernon, NY, 914-667-4116;
Directions: Non commercial vehicles can reach the site by way of the Hutchinson River Parkway, South to Exit 8, Sandford Blvd., and follow directional signs to the site. Hutchinson River Parkway North, to Exit 9, Wolfe's Lane; right at exit, and right at traffic light, onto Colonial Avenue, which quickly becomes Sandford Blvd. Proceed west on Sandford Blvd (about 3/4 mile, see N.P.S. directional sign and arrow) and make a left onto South Columbus Avenue. Proceed south on Columbus to the site, about 3/4 mile, and left into the St. Paul's driveway.