
Find a career mentor. You're not alone in this as much as you may think so while staring at the ceiling and struggling to fall asleep at night. Not only do you have family and friends; you've got coworkers, bosses and teachers who'd be happy to help. So get on their calendar and learn their magical ways. Being able to articulate your goals aloud can help make them feel real.

Limit your video games and social media consumption. Don't let your phone or computer automatically save your social media passwords. Keep technology just out of reach. Give your roommate a water gun and instruct them to hit you right in the eye every time you log in. Social Media can be a fun way to check out your mom's Farmville activity, but it can also damage your confidence. Profiles represent each member's greatest hits, not their experimental polka album. If you try to compare your real life to those standards, you may lose track of your own goals in favor of impressing others.

Exercise your brain to make positive connections. Stop bombarding yourself with negativity. Contrary to the mythology, no one is born with multiple gifts, they practice until the brain becomes so comfortable with the motion he didn't even need to think about it. In much the same way, your brain can be trained to think positively. How? Try giving out five compliments a day to the people around you. It'll help you recognize life's finer points.

Get to know your vices so well they can't fool you anymore. People use vices to distract themselves from responsibility. Some vices are obvious: video-games, Facebook, etc. Others are a bit sneakier. During my late teens. I hid procrastination behind a seemingly productive activity. Why I avoided something as glorious as sleep so adamantly, I cant figure it out and I will never know.

Get a planner and let it work it's magic. Write everything down and your planner will do the rest. It'll keep track of anything an everything. Bills, toilet paper supply and whether happy hour is going to conflict with your friend's party. Being on top of your schedule helps you to feel less like a scatterbrain and more in control. Write everything down.

Don't allow arguments or break ups to become breakdowns. It seems obvious, but I'll say it anyways: nobody has to be the bad guy during a break up. When we say things and feelings get hurt, there is an urge to place blame but that's not always helpful. Even if you outwardly blame the other person, you'll inevitably end up blaming yourself deep down. So don't engage in the blame game.

Don't take your family and friends for granted. As hectic as it is to wrap your mind around adult responsibilities and as tempting as it is to accumulate large quantities of acquaintances, don't blow off close friends in your twenties. Tell them what's on your mind and listen to what's on theirs because comparing notes on your quarter life crisis with a trusted confidant is essential to survival.

Make a plan for yourself, but don't etch it in stone. Who are you? It's good to plan for the future: to look ahead and focus small tasks towards a larger goal. But make sure you are happy most of the time. Don't be afraid to admit that you were wrong about your dream career. Take a deep breath and allow new inspiration in.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Twenties will also be difficult and are essentially Life Lessons 101, not a Master Class in Perfection. So relax! Save some soul-searching for your thirties, forties...etc.