If you’re a young citizen journalist, or think you've got the write stuff and are between 12 and 18 years old, this Write Bus is pulling up at a stop near you. The first tour was a free improv class and a ride through the ever-changing cityscape of New York. Don’t miss the next adventure of the Bronx Write Bus.
Sing up for it on Tuesday, July 19th. Explore the architecture, style and history of another NYC borough and see things you’ve never seen before. - And there is such a thing as a free lunch... To top off your writing adventure.
The ride includes writing exercises, a discussion of structure, plotting, trends and some publishing advice.
NYSCA (New York State Council on the Arts) - www.nysca.org - The New York State arts agency.
NYS e-Grant System - www.egrant.state.ny.us - A new electronic system that allows you to keep abreast with the various grants available from New York state government agencies.
NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) - www.arts.gov - The Federal arts agency.
AHA (Association of Hispanic Arts) - www.latinoarts.org - Artists enjoy a multitude of career-building resources, like AHA's workshops, grant opportunities and symposiums.
Tech Grant News - www.techfoundation.org/techgrants - The Tech Foundation focuses on funding and services related to computer technology.
The Foundation Center - www.foundationcenter.org - The most extensive philanthropic research library in NYC, to our knowledge.
National Performance Network - www.npnweb.org - Provides performing artists the opportunity to tour and develop audience.
NYS Arts Education Alliance - www.nysaae.org - An organization designed to advocate for arts-in-education programs and policies.
Poets & Writers, Inc. - www.pw.org - Poets & Writers provides services to writers.