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Stress is, without a doubt, one of the biggest, if not the most incredible single obstacles\ to a lifetime of peace, health, and happiness.

Thankfully pun intended, one of the most significant benefits of gratitude is its ability to mitigate stress. Numerous studies during the pandemic showed that— even in the face of substantial psychological stressors — practicing gratitude could reduce stress and improve mood.

Start your days with a positive attitude and share gratitude with others…
Take a breath to restore your patience gratefully… Close your day gladly for a good night’s sleep.

In 1938, Harvard University researchers embarked on a study that continues to this day to find out: What makes us happy in life?


Time passes. Life goes on. Distance separates. Children grow up, cease to be children, and become independent. And the parents break their hearts, but the children are separated from the parents. Jobs come and go. Illusions, desires, attraction, sex... they weaken. People don't do what they should do. The heart breaks. Parents die. Colleagues forget favors. Races end.

But true friends are always there, no matter how long or many miles they are. A friend is never more distant than the scope of a need, making a bar for you, intervening on your behalf, waiting for you with open arms, or blessing your life. When we started this adventure called LIFE, we did not know about the incredible joys or sorrows ahead. We didn't know how much we would need from each other. Love your parents, and take care of your children but keep a group of good friends. 

