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Acceptance will save ALL OF US. To be happier, remove unhappiness, or else.

Some may say Life is a s-it show. How are we supposed to not suffer from fights with partners, bosses give us more work, as we struggle to pay the bills?

The answer is attitude. Happy hippies practice one thing above all others – Acceptance.

If it rains, it rains. If they feel sad, they feel sad. If their favorite restaurant is closed, it’s closed... Next

I know this seems simple, but compare it to our normal reactions. Subconsciously, we often resist what we wish for better weather even though clearly, there’s nothing we can do about the grey clouds.

This resistance creates suffering. This doesn’t mean you should stop trying to change things. Don’t stay with a shitty job for decades. But if you’re in it right now, accept it for what it is, or move on.

Any emotion it causes is just an emotion. It’s neither positive nor negative. Your mind loves categorizing things, but being sad, hungry, or angry isn’t bad. It’s part of the human experience, which can’t always be full of unicorns pooping rainbows.

Look at your life and accept what you resist. This puts you in a position of power because you’re no longer feeding an internal fight. Stop resisting and you’ll end the suffering.

Focus On Less, You'll Appreciate It More. Many families don’t have a car. some, live and sleep at the back end of their shops. They wear clothes until they fall apart.

Yet, they smile. They laugh. They bring good vibes. When you first see it, it’s crazy – until you understand why.

My happiest moments weren’t when I bought a fancy gadget, wore my new sneakers, or showed my possessions to the world.

They were the simple moments when I sat on the beach or watched the stars at night in nothing but my swim shorts.

Most folks here aren’t rich. Like the Thai people, they don’t own much. But when you have very little, something interesting happens.

You start to appreciate the small, basic things. A little sunshine. The sand on your feet. The trees that give you shade. Your body works like a miracle every day, breathing air, pumping blood, and digesting food.

It’s this appreciation and gratitude that causes happiness, not the things you possess.

Feel To Heal Why wear a heavy, invisible backpack? Many of us never take it off. It weighs us down and keeps us from flying high. What is it I’m talking about?

It’s a bag full of repressed feelings, unprocessed experiences, and limiting beliefs.

Sometimes, the deadweight shows – when something triggers us in conversation, when we sabotage our career success, or when we fall into the same toxic relationship patterns again and again.

Every time I’m on this island, I do a bunch of hippie workshops. Breathwork, meditation, tantra, mantra singing, sharing circles, and lots more. They’re different tools that all help me do the same thing.

Tapping into the emotions that I bottled up. Every time, I take a few stones out of my backpack so I can walk around lighter, smilier, and happier.

Connect Freely, Openly, And From The Heart  I’ve learned this from traveling.

It’s always about the people. No matter where you go, having a few good friends with you will make everything ten times better. This isn’t just hippie stuff – science confirmed this over and over.

According to a Harvard study found your relationships with others influence your happiness most. Maybe that’s why on the hippie island, people are so happy.

It’s easy to make friends here. People don’t hold back behind pretentious masks or worry about how others will perceive them.

They just open their heart and help you do the same. How many connections with others do you have that feel empty? How many times have you gone through meaningless small talk? How often have you merely scratched the surface?

Better connections will make you happier. But to build them, you’ll have to make yourself vulnerable. You’ll have to share and be willing to go deep.

Truth be told, we won’t connect with everyone. Some people will think we’re weird. Others like your openness but are too afraid to reciprocate.

But open your heart and over time, you’ll find the ones you can bond with. It’s normal practice for some people to take a break after they earned enough to eat for the day. Even in big cities, people don’t rush. It’s like the word stress doesn’t exist in their language.
