They Call me UB or GB

Submitted by ub on

Today I am BB Birthday Boy. UB stands for Uncle Bob, and therefore GB is Grandpa Bob. The pharmacist gives me health.

As I strolled away after receiving my COVID booster, I briefly stopped and glanced at the array of hair coloring products, but decided to walk on by. I have never used any of these fake formulas, so why start now? I did get my social security authentication code, but will not share it, sorry about that!

Thankfully, I received birthday wishes from near and far. From all points in The Americas, including Texas, California, and Florida, and as far as Asia and South Africa. Also in my own neighborhood. They boil down to the following - Older wiser and still special.

The pharmacist offered the gift of health and so to paraphrase it All I need is Love, which I have from my wife, my kids and grandchildren, and some family members. Finally, I am keeping my emotional intelligence.

There are several ways that all high achievers can utilize emotional intelligence as a superpower to improve performance. 

While leading a team through a challenging project. The pressure was on, and tensions were high. We had a quiet team member struggling to find his voice amidst the chaos. Instead of bulldozing ahead with his own ideas, this person took a step back, and asked, "What do you think?"

The effect was astounding. The team member's face lit up, and he began to share his insights. It turned out he had a brilliant solution that hadn't been considered before. The project went on to be a resounding success, and we all learned a crucial lesson: leadership was about empowering others and valuing their perspectives.

Emotional intelligence isn't about being overly sentimental or soft-hearted. It's about understanding the emotions, motivations, and aspirations of the people you work with. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

The key is to actively listen, empathize, and lead with authenticity. It's recognizing and managing one's own emotions because a higher performer or leader who can't or won't navigate their own feelings often struggles to guide a team effectively.

As soon as you make out you know everything, you shut down all the opportunity to learn more and get different points of view. So not only do I get comfortable with I don't know,' but even more today, I keep asking myself, Why do I believe that?' Because the world's changing so quickly.

As we investigate our own leadership style, keep this in mind: True leadership isn't about having all the answers but about creating a space for collective brilliance to flourish. Tell me more!