Ever since the COVID pandemic more Americans are working remotely, packing bags for a new adventure has been tempting.
From New York City to Los Angeles to tropical Oahu, each city in these great United States offers a needed breath of fresh air. Welcome to Fall also know as Autumn. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pc6CWfBgIt8&pp=ygURQXVydW0gaW4gTmV3IHlvcm…
We have discussed moving to warmer climates, but we’re staying put for now. However, a new start is never a bad thing as we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. Can we afford to live in our dream destination?
With statistics from Zillow and the U.S. Census Bureau, we’re breaking down the population, average income and median home price of some of our favorite cities across America. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xgHFcfV03dc
New York City, New York
Population: 8.38 million
Average Income: $34,386
Median Home Price: $745,000
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