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“Most gracious Lord, who numbered among your apostles the fishermen Peter, Andrew, James and John, we pray you to consecrate this boat to righteous work in your name. Guide the captain at her helm. So prosper her voyages that an honest living may be made. Watch over her passengers and crew and bring them to a safe return. And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be upon this vessel and all who come aboard, this day and forever. Amen”

The blessing of the fleet is a tradition which has spread along the eastern seaboard. It began centuries ago in Mediterranean fishing communities. The practice is predominantly Christian and a blessing from the local clergy is meant to ensure a safe and bountiful season.

In most ports, the event was brought by immigrants who held strongly to their religious beliefs. The events that are part of the ritual vary by community and includes Parades, Pageantry, Dancing, Feasting and Contests.