Embracing #Russia, #NorthKorea toppers, turning his back on a #FreePress and holding a state dinner denying the Democratic leadership and took an oath to serve and protect #USALL?
The French President is trying to stop America from hurting ourselves or God forbid preventing WWIII
GOP senator: Trump should have invited Dems to state dinner http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/384560-gop-senator-trump-should-have…
There's at least one Democrat invited to Trump's first state dinner @CNNPolitics https://cnn.it/2Hm5XWB
Tim Cook, Rupert Murdoch headline Trump's 1st state dinner guest list @CNNPolitics https://cnn.it/2qZFFya
Trumps Throw Out Tradition for Their First State Dinner https://nyti.ms/2HkmsCl
First lady steps into the spotlight for a state visit https://wapo.st/2HtKOKk?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.3d335a9cd71b