Telling The Truth

Submitted by ub on

Truth-Telling, or veracity, can be defined as the avoidance of lying, deceptions, misrepresentations, and non-disclosure during interactions.

Being honest with the American people has been avoided. In addition, in some cultures, it is customary to hide serious facts for fear they will lose hope or become demoralized by the information.

Truth-telling also involves being forthright about mistakes. Many ethicists argue that the primary and observing members all have an obligation to report errors not only to oversight committees but directly to those affected. This is not always easy to do particularly when these mistakes harm families, when it is not obvious that telling the truth will improve the situation, and when the stakes for admitting errors are high.

However, our elected officials have an obligation to report errors and to support a government in the sunshine as well as any colleagues who individually do so. Only then is it possible to recognize errors when they occur and to develop systems for avoiding them in the future?

We are the bosses, and the sooner they realize this the better they will be. Therefore, it is not acceptable for any representative of We the people to lie because it precludes the patient from making an informed decision and providing informed consent, thereby trampling over the patient’s autonomy. If the doctor provides improper or insufficient information, the patient will not possess adequate information to make the most personally meaningful decision.

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