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Too many earthlings have been passing by Indigenous Peoples for centuries and must realize they hold the key to survival as the fittest.

Indigenous communities, peoples, and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing on those territories, or parts of them.


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US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced a plan to back the dollar with Bitcoin, and end taxes on Bitcoin.

From a report: Speaking at a Heal-the-Divide PAC event, Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. outlined specific Bitcoin-focused policies that he would enact as president, including gradually backing the U.S. dollar with bitcoin and making bitcoin profits exempt from capital gains taxes.


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The US legal system should now lock him up, throw away the key and incarcerate DJT in solitary confinement indefinitely.

The majority of Americans have known to expect Trump's charges over the January six violent insurrection are warranted.

Donald Trump and his Attorneys Are in the Pants-Shitting Phase of Criminal Investigation Process:


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Edward A Caban sworn in as first-ever Latino NYPD commissioner. Bronx born 55-year-old Caban is leader of the largest in USA.

Caban was appointed in 2023 by Mayor Eric Adams. Caban previously served as First Deputy Police Commissioner under Keechant Sewell.

The police department he will lead is more diverse than the largely white and male police force he joined 32 years ago. 


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Americans are far apart because some folks only care about themselves but real public servants work harder.

While there is only one planet we call Mother Earth and one global ocean, the vast body of water that covers 71 percent of the Earth is geographically divided into distinct named regions. The boundaries between these regions have evolved over time for a variety of historical, cultural, geographical, and scientific reasons. 


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Police say reporters are “stalking” officers by knocking on doors to request comments on said public safety officials.

That’s ludicrous to anyone familiar with journalism. The Police have often had run-ins with the media and have a tense relationship with local journalists. But complaining about reporters doing their job when they were seeking fairness in their stories is a new low for cops.
Reporters who knocked on officers’ doors to get comments and “ensure fairness and accuracy” were doing their jobs, not “stalking”
Journalists who knocked on officers’ doors to get comments and “ensure fairness and accuracy” are doing their jobs, not “stalking”
I learned that fighting with the cops is useless. They have guns and will use them.


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The worst is yet to come. This unbelievable phrase says the most unfortunate may be coming real soon.

And this is not just something worse than the thing before, but the absolute worst of all things. Thus, the correct word here is worst.

Consider the worst-case scenario. What’s the worst that could happen?

These phrases are both referring to the most terrible outcome imaginable. Therefore, the correct word is worst. You can’t get worse than the worst.


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For anyone looking to expand your world of music, listening to some of the best Cuban songs will do it.

You’ll find Afro-Cuban jazz, Cuban hip-hop, classic jazz, Latin dance, and much more among the greatest numbers, each coming from incredible musicians who proudly represent their country in the music they’ve created.

So, whether you’re of Cuban descent and just looking for who you’ve been missing in your playlist or among the folks new to the music sphere, you’ll find these are the best of the best and well worth adding to your playlist.


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While serving as AP TV New York Bureau Chief for several years, my friend, colleague, and client Ricardo Ortega was killed in Haiti.