The proverbial Red panic button hiding between the red MAGA hat and his hair implant is about to be pressed by the dumbass.
The proverbial Red panic button hiding between the red MAGA hat and his hair implant is about to be pressed by the dumbass.
Valued, engagements seemingly abstract and appearing as subjective concepts are finally acquiring a new life significance.
I am a multilingual media maestro who decades ago entered a newsroom for the first time and I can safely say now - what an awakening it was to be able to study the hyperlocal editorial process. I proceeded to remain engaged five days and 40 hours a week for 3 months. It was a crash course in Dr. Ken's Newswatch10.
Today, I'm still in touch with a couple of colleagues, now lifelong acquaintances, and some have become good old friends.
Are law-abiding people worldwide fed up with unethical and sometimes illegal activities against humanity and want it to STOP?
People everywhere on earth just want to be free and should start singing the same tune that we the people are the world and we demand that the United Nations approve a resolution and then pass an international law requiring every adult to vote during each election. Democracy is the theory that common folks want, and deserve.
The time today calls for the following musical movement that is in adagio tempo. A ballet displaying difficult feats of balance.
The truth is that New Yorkers and our tourists celebrate being stoned out every year and this week was no exception in The Big Apple.
This leafy green vegetable grows all year round and is packed with vitamins and minerals. There are two basic types. What is it?
Whenever you buy fresh, bunched spinach at the grocery store, it is usually savory. The leaves of these savoys are typically wrinkled and curly. Flat, known as baby, is widely popular in the U.S. and is often sold bagged, canned, or frozen.
They’re packed with antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins and improve your brain’s cognitive function.
Rikki don't lose that number one smash hit feeling with that special thing you do so well
Frederick Jay Rubin is an American record executive and record producer. He is the co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, founder of American Recordings, and former co-president of Columbia Records. Rubin helped popularize hip-hop by producing records for acts such as The Beastie Boys, Geto Boys, Run-DMC, Public Enemy, LL Cool J... etc.
Complicated Adult Friendships are good for our health and longevity. So why isn’t adult life more conducive to being good friends?
Of all the traits a good friend could have, honesty is certainly among the most important. An honest friend is someone who can and will tell you the truth instead of lying to you to keep you happy or placate you. A good friend will tell you the truth even if it's difficult.
A drone attack took place in Moscow on the morning of May 30, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said on his Telegram channel.
This Memorial Day post is dedicated to The Cuban Bullet, my late brother. Military veteran. Antonio Julio Soto III served in the US Army.
He got the nickname Cuban Bullet from his coach who was delighted by Tony's force and speed while running and tackling on the football field.
He graduated from Seton Hall University. He was a very open, warm, and caring person. We lost everything when we had to flee Castro's Cuba. Our family has always been hard-working and determined to succeed in America - and we did!