Herd Immunity Dangers

Submitted by ub on

There are now 9 million #USA cases and scientists fear that spreader rallies are relying on a false premise of herd immunity for The Coronavirus pandemic, #COVID19. Has herd immunity ever been successful? In fact, the short answer is NO.

Stanford University researchers say President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies have resulted in 30,000 infections and 700 have now died.


Submitted by ub on

I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories because some relate to clandestine government plans that cannot be proven using the historical or scientific method but are not to be confused with research concerning verified historical facts.

National Cat Day

Submitted by ub on

A man in Florida was mauled by a black leopard after paying to have his close encounter with it on National Cat Day is a celebration to raise public awareness of showing kindness to cats for adoption.

The Female Future

Submitted by ub on

As the son of a marvelous mother, husband to a wonderful wife, father of darling daughters, gorgeous granddaughters, and a

fierce feminist forever, I’d never vote for anyone disrespecting women. Females are smarter than men and anyone who

supports this individual should ask themselves, what if this were my mother, my sister, my daughter, granddaughter, or me?

We feminists believe in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating on the West

Clean Sweep Today

Submitted by ub on

The Boycott of the Evil States whose legislatures stop counting or overturn the popular vote. 

We can all choose to not do business with companies or people from those Evil States.

Please help send this Warning Message To State Legislators. No state is an economic island.

From Who He Was To Whatever It Is

Submitted by ub on

Honest Abe's Republican Party of Lincoln represented decency, morality, kindness, sensitivity, compassion, honesty, and empathy. However, after four long and difficult years, the GOP has devolved and deteriorated into lies, hate, and political suffocation. Trump began his campaign riding a downward escalator and it has been that way ever since.

Angry American Voters

Submitted by ub on

We cannot defeat an enemy without fully learning his identity.  The disappointment, sadness, fear, or hate some people may be currently experiencing are not enemies. Righteous anger may be the best tool we can have at our disposal to overcome those other feelings if we exert anger mindfully. 

Our real enemy, I believe, has been our inability to accept our present-day existential reality —whether all of us can survive as a free nation— and, as a result of that knowledge, to fully trust ourselves in order to effect real, extraordinary change.

Attacking GOP Court Packing

Submitted by ub on

Packing #SCOTUS has become a Washington power struggle that will continue for years. It was the most partisan confirmation vote for a Supreme Court justice in modern American history and the first time since 1869 that justice was confirmed without a single vote from the opposing party.

The US Constitution allows Congress to determine how many justices should make up the SCOTUS. That number has ranged from 6 to 10, before settling at 9. If they win control, Democrats can now expand the number to remedy GOP court-packing.

Democratic Blue Tide

Submitted by ub on

Why have Republican advisers plunged into a bitter round of finger-pointing and blame-shifting ahead of their increasingly likely defeat?

Long lines stretch for as far as the eye can see as registered voters turn out for early voting as some waited hours to cast ballots on the first time that early voting has been allowed in many states during a presidential election. Do the #Republicans remember the forgotten voter?

Mask Up America

Submitted by ub on

There is a bad reason why 240k people are dead and the pandemic is spreading fast.


Mask up, America #CityImages is launchIng a national mask request Just in time for Halloween 👻 


This is our national public service plea for all to be patriotic and see the many benefits of wearing masks 🎭 


‘Please fight the virus and prevent this pandemic from spreading further so we can return to normal once #COVID is contained.