Great Observation Mark
There are two ways to be fooled
One to believe what isn't true
The other is to refuse to believe what is true.
--Kierkegaard— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 5, 2020
There are two ways to be fooled
One to believe what isn't true
The other is to refuse to believe what is true.
--Kierkegaard— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) September 5, 2020
They're war heroes because they served, got captured, or died. All Americans love people who served as well as their family members.
Mr. President... This November 3, American citizens are being asked to cast their ballots for the @POTUS that is worthy.
The one in the White House to be starting the new decade 2021. Will they vote for a Kompromised Killer Komrade or a
Concerned Christian Citizen? The men and women of our armed forces put their lives on the line and their country above all.
The greatest teacher ever became famous for educating children virtually and accomplished his task extremely well. I met Fred Rogers while working as an NBC News producer. He was so kind to me and took the time to send a message to my two lovely 😊 daughters Natasha and Sabrina.
I have traveled through all of the earth's time zones, and as I prepare to celebrate another birthday the TIME has come to borrow some of my favorite music, lyrics and to add my own.
A time to be born, a time to mature
A time to play, a time to study
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to be sick, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to cry
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to sit
A time to celebrate a time to mourn
What would you think if we sang out of tune, or just stopped singing at all? This is a one-two punch to the gut of America.
How is the US government foreign policy broadcasting agency is losing its broad appeal and why is our long-lasting military news outlet about to be shut down?
Never fear fat liars because they will eventually be fired. This is what ultimately happens to all who claim to live by the sword.
My late brother served in the US Military, and so too have many brave American patriots. Would @POTUS @GOP @realDonaldTrump have dared call him a sucker and a loser to his face? He served The US Army as a Specialist in Vietnam. He was not a sucker.
The television network that has supported POTUS for many years is showing registered voters there is reason to fear he is out of touch.
And that’ not all. Biden Leads In Florida And Pennsylvania while Trump if fading fast. No wonder, these past POTUS years have been a whirlwind of chaos—and that's a major obstacle to convincing Americans he can stabilize their lives and they will soon be saying... You’re Fired!
Come and listen to my story about a man named Mitch,
A crooked mountaineer, who tried to keep his family rich,
Then one day he was shooting down House bills,
And up through the ground come his poison pills.
Defeat #Cult45
Does POTUS prove time and again that he is an unfit Commander-in-Chief and compared against Joe Biden who had a son in the US military understands the responsibility of service to our nation?
Trump told reporters he'd like to heal America’s racial wounds with "law and order." One of the reasons why Donald Trump is losing is that he can't disassociate himself from right-wing extremists, while Joe Biden has successfully Separated himself from all left-wing extremists.
Joe Biden is a real American leader, who does not stand or hide behind Communist Russia, North Korea, or owe any money to nor have registered trademarks with China.
Also, no makeup, fake tan, fake hair, or excess fat. He is a lean and fit leader. During remarks on public safety and law enforcement, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden condemns the violence in several major U.S. cities, saying “Rioting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not.