American Caudillo?

Submitted by ub on

The national USA election has been the nastiest in a century and is still undeclared with a tighter competition than expected between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The victory is now in the hands of some five key states that continue to count the ballots, a process that could take some time.


Submitted by ub on

It is difficult to understand how anyone could believe an ignorant, illiterate, blustering and undignified words coming from them.


Submitted by ub on

This day Americans have waited four long years for has to eradicate fascism, we now must wait weeks before the official vote tally is completed. POTUS will announce he won but come January 20th, he will leave the White House for real good.

Vote for @JoeBiden. 🇺🇸 @kamalaharris

Vote for all Americans who’ve died of #Covid

Vote for John Lewis, RBG, and America

Trump Therapeutics?

Submitted by ub on

President Trump once mused that bringing "light" inside the body or even injecting people with disinfectants could be investigated as Coronavirus treatments. Therefore, the best therapy is to ignore him and follow the advice of scientific experts.

Republican Deadly Sins

Submitted by ub on

I have no political affiliation. I am not a registered Democrat, nor a Republican, although I did work for the last GOP President who really served this great nation as a decorated member of the US Military, as a Congressman, CIA Director, Vice president, and POTUS41 George, HW Bush.

Special Halloween

Submitted by ub on

There's a moon out tonight and a nearly global blue moon for the first time since 1944. A blue moon will fall on Halloween this year, making the spookiest night of the year just a little bit eerier.

The second full moon of the month, which is what's commonly referred to as a Blue Moon. Since the orbit of the moon around the Earth is about 27 days, as long as the timing is good, we can get two full moons in a month.

RIP: Sean Connery

Submitted by ub on

Sir Thomas Sean Connery was a Scottish actor and movie producer. He is best known as the best actor to portray the 007 characters, James Bond, in film, starring in seven Bond films between 1962 and 1983.

Sean Connery was the first actor to be cast as 007 James Bond without a screen test. Since then he was never out of place on the silver screen. 

Herd Immunity Dangers

Submitted by ub on

There are now 9 million #USA cases and scientists fear that spreader rallies are relying on a false premise of herd immunity for The Coronavirus pandemic, #COVID19. Has herd immunity ever been successful? In fact, the short answer is NO.

Stanford University researchers say President Donald Trump’s campaign rallies have resulted in 30,000 infections and 700 have now died.


Submitted by ub on

I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories because some relate to clandestine government plans that cannot be proven using the historical or scientific method but are not to be confused with research concerning verified historical facts.

National Cat Day

Submitted by ub on

A man in Florida was mauled by a black leopard after paying to have his close encounter with it on National Cat Day is a celebration to raise public awareness of showing kindness to cats for adoption.