Trump Tax Tease

Submitted by ub on

One month before most Americans are required by law to file their taxes and POTUS has not only refused to release his taxes, like he promised but bow insists on hiding them from We The People.

The IRS is the USA revenue service in the Department of the Treasury and is under the immediate direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who is appointed to a five-year term by POTUS.

Love ❤️ Always

Submitted by ub on

Happy Valentine's Day from New York City! As one of the 8.6 million people who help make The Big Apple one of the greatest cities in the world. To the ladies in my life. I LOVE YOU.

Love 💕 is in the air as sweethearts everywhere celebrate Valentine's Day, the one and only holiday devoted to romantic love.

Valentine's Day's origins are kinda weird. Our favorite version is about a man named Valentine who sent a message to a woman he loved with the signature, "From your Valentine." Therefore I will go with this one.

From your valentine,

Great Democracy To Banana Republic

Submitted by ub on

The term Banana Republic was rarely used until the 1960s; perhaps it was the Cuban Revolution of 1959, which focused the attention of the English-speaking world on Latin America's political and economic troubles.

Thanks to popular culture in 1971 with movies like Bananas Or have you watched Duck Soup, a comedic sensibility to the era’s revolutionary politics?

The Real Deal

Submitted by ub on

America needs a real leader who is an expert, not an apprentice. We need a unifier, not a divider. We must insist on a successful businessman, not one who's been bankrupt. We The People need The Real deal.

A leader who serves our nation, not his family, one who embraces our allies, not our adversaries, one who pays taxes, not hides them from sight, one who will tell it like it is, not continue lying to us. We The People need a role model for our children and not a foul-mouthed adulterer... etc.

For Valentines

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San Valentino was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Christianity on February 14. From the High Middle Ages, his Saints' Day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love.

Valentine's Day is coming our way. Do you know which folks have the luckiest Birthdays? You’ll have good fortune if you were born on some dates, if you weren’t, they’re still the luckiest days of the month for you. Rat: 4 13 30

Also, look for the nicest, luckiest people you can find and dot be left behind.


Submitted by ub on

The Academy Awards are known as the Oscars. These are awards for artistic and technical merit in the movie industry.

They are given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the awards are an international recognition of excellence in cinematic achievements as assessed by the Academy's voting membership,

But don’t watch the Oscars just for the winning films and actors. Watch for the political commentaries.

The program will be aired live on ABC LIVE SUNDAY at 8P on ABC TV

Tiger Attraction

Submitted by ub on

The tiger is the largest species among the Felidae and classified in the stable genus Panthera. They are most recognizable for their dark vertical stripes.

Although there are some fearsome tales of vicious man-eating tigers stalking hapless victims, the cases of tigers actually attacking a human being remain few and far between. Still, tigers are more likely to kill a human being than any of the other wild cats.

Breakfast As Tuff Anus

Submitted by ub on

Let US Pray for tuff or a tough hard-ass authoritative leader who appears to be the type of person insisting on having it their way demanding respect and expecting co-operation.

This is someone who won't let you get away with anything and lacks empathy for others. As long as you show respect to a hardass, you're fine. They prey on the weak and feeble-minded.

Storm Warnings

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A rapidly strengthening storm will bring heavy snow, ice, and wind gusts to the Northeastern USA.

The Winter storm which brought damaging thunderstorms, flooding, snow, and ice, will rapidly strengthen Friday while lifting north across the Northeast. Heavy and blowing snow will make for dangerous travel from the eastern Great Lakes into northern Maine. Freezing rain or a wintry mix will create icy roads from Pennsylvania into southern Maine.