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Given the unpredictability of life, some would think twice before taking their beloved classic vehicle to a caravan, or antique car show because it is always a risk. First there are all those people wandering around with their kids, drinks, food and such. There's also a chance of a scratch, or a smudge. Or even the possibility of a dent if you're really unlucky. But the folks who participated today were as lucky as they could be. The weather was also pleasant.


Submitted by ub on

Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Place: City Island Yacht Club
63 Pilot Street
City Island, NY 10464
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Nine Sessions
Price: Instruction is free. Nominal fee for course materials
Contact: Jim Duffy (718)863-3855 (Please do not call after 10 PM)
or Franz Alvarez (914)636-5216 email:

Public Boating Flier:
The Safe Boating course is designed to familiarize you with most of the fundamentals of safe boating.

Subjects covered include:

* Boat Handling
* Boat Types & Terminology

This Week in History

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This Week in History, Oct 2 - Oct 8

Oct 02, 1985
Hollywood icon Rock Hudson dies of AIDS at 59, becomes the first major U.S. celebrity to die.
Oct 03, 1995
O.J. Simpson acquitted in brutal 1994 double murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman.
Oct 04, 1957
Soviet Union inaugurates the "Space Age" with its launch of Sputnik, the world's first artificial satellite.
Oct 05, 1947

Headlines 10/2/11

Submitted by ub on

EUROPEAN BANKS. Financial Crisis.

TRIPOLI PROTESTS. Oil Company Greed.



SO LONG BUDGET. New Fiscal Congressional Battles About To Begin.


Submitted by ub on

In Union Square, more than a thousand people rallied in an event called "SlutWalk" to call attention to sexual violence against women.

The Brooklyn Bridge location attracted two marches. One demonstration came from Brooklyn to Manhattan by a group opposed to genetically modified foods, and another in the other direction against poverty.


Submitted by ub on

You can do it in the shower. You can also do it while you're getting ready for bed. Just make sure you do it at least once a month. Especially try starting it during this breast cancer awareness month.

First of all, experts stress to get familiar with your breasts. Look for lumps, changes in size, shape or feel, and to see if there is any fluid.

Every woman should intimately know her breasts and surrounding areas so she can be aware of changes, according to doctors representing the American Cancer Society.

Well Being' Survey

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If you live or work in the Bronx, The Borough President wants to hear from you. The office of Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. is conducting a “well being” survey, which aims to hear from Bronx residents and those who work in our borough on a variety of topics important to the Bronx.

The survey takes a few minutes, and the office is giving away a prize to one individual who completes the survey.

You can take the survey, in English, at this link:

The survey is also available in Spanish at this link:


Submitted by ub on

FDNY systematically discriminates against minority applicants, according to a Judge who cites racist practices.
The court's conclusion is that that the Vulcan Society of black firefighters had proven its claim and set the stage for changes in the Fire Dept.

As a result, the judge has credited the NYCs recent efforts to sign up record numbers of minority recruits for the upcoming firefighter exam. Fire officials said 48% of those who applied for the next test are people of color - almost double the 26% who took the last test in 2007.


Submitted by ub on

NYC Council Member James Vacca will be among the folks who visit the senior citizens at the Jeanne Jugan Residence in Throgs Neck for their annual art show. The exhibit is the culmination of an art program sponsored by the Bronx Arts Ensemble, which enables residents to create their own works of art. Vacca allocates City Council funding to the Bronx Arts Ensemble to support their work in the community.

Who: Council Member Vacca; Jeanne Jugan Residence seniors and staff; Bronx Arts Ensemble staff

What: Senior citizen residents’ art show

When: Sunday, October 2, 2011 @ 2 PM


Submitted by ub on

Weekly Observances

· Albuquerque International Balloon Festival (Oct 1-9)

· Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend (Oct 1-2)

· Universal Children's Week (Oct 1-7)

· Great Books Week (Oct 2-8)

· National Newspaper Week (Oct 2-8)

· Mental Illness Awareness Week (Oct 2-8)

· Mystery Series Week (Oct 2-8)

· National Carry A Tune Week (Oct 2-8)

· Nuclear Medicine Week (Oct 2-8)

· Customer Service Week (Oct 3-7)

· Spinning & Weaving Week (Oct 3-9)