If the President carries out his new threat, he would be handing the insurance industry a solid court case while undermining his leverage to attract Democrats to the negotiating table. The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is the law of the land.
Trump on tricky legal ground with 'Obamacare' threat https://apnews.com/d011dcda38b648079b9f0f08472c3ef7
Republicans Say Time for Senate to Move on From Health Care http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/Republicans-in-Senate-on-Health…
The new health care plan led by Sens. Cassidy and Graham touts flexibility but would force deep spending cuts http://politi.co/2tUC311
Opinion | Trump is trying to govern by threats - and he's failing http://wapo.st/2vflroe?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.2a66b6f3e285
Complications for Trump Threats to Congressional Health Care https://shar.es/1TkRZe
Can he do that? Trump's triple threat on health care http://nbcnews.to/2wh3cMc
Inside Playbook: Senate GOP to Trump: Thanks for the advice, but we’re moving on from health care http://politi.co/2ufvuoP
Will Trump force lawmakers in Congress pay full price for health care? | Opinion http://bit.ly/2ved9xb
In face of Trump threats, Obamacare supporters rally in DC http://wjla.com/news/local/in-face-of-trump-threats-obamacare-supporter…
The accounting that explains why Donald Trump can’t make Obamacare “implode” https://qz.com/1040903
He's got the emotional maturity of a boy. Could this be a political version of... The Boy Who Cried, Wolf? https://youtu.be/u8tDbaKicSs
Trump’s Remarks To Police Violate His Oath of Office https://www.themarshallproject.org/2017/08/02/trump-s-remarks-to-police…