Happy Everyday

Submitted by ub on


Submitted by ub on Thu, 11/26/2015 - 09:30


6 Simple Habits To Keep You Consistently Happy Every Day http://www.fastcompany.com/3024608/how-to-be-a-success-at-everything/6-…

11 ways to make yourself #happy @mindazetlin http://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/11-simple-ways-to-make-yourself-happy-e… via @Inc

How to Be Happy Everyday http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Happy-Everyday via @wikiHow

101 Ways to Feel Happy on a Daily Basis http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/101-ways-to-feel-happy-on-a-d… via @lifehackorg

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Joy to the world... etc.

We get it, but how can we get that happy feeling, when there are many things going wrong? It begins with us!

Common sense is to slow down. There's no one behind me, nor a next place to go. Life is forever unfolding.

Wake up on the right side of bed, with a positive attitude and a great deal of gratitude.

Our space is a reflection of our internal state. If we want to see external change, work from the inside out.

You cant always get what you want, but... You get what you need. "Rolling Stones" Philosophers

Instead of constant concentration on, “ What can I get?” ask yourself, “How can I give?”

Take positive action daily and it will bring clarity and inspiration.

The body knows what it needs, so listen for signs and tune in to a healthier life.

Carry on with peace, kindness, joy, and tolerance each and every day.

Don't be so hard on yourself and try to forgive others. Compassion is the best tool for personal growth.

The more honest we are with others and the truer we are to ourselves, the easier life will become.

Fun is an indicator of success. If it doesn’t promote joy, don’t do it. The most fun, the happier we'll be.

If we you take care of ourselves, we help and heal everyone around us. It always starts with us.

Everything I want is possible as soon as I believe it. The only thing ever stopping me is myself.

We should always trust our inner voice; it will never let us down.

Finally, keep in mind that happiness is our constant journey, not our final destination.

And lets not forget there are lots of happy music videos available online: