Bolton Down The Hatches

Submitted by ub on

The US Senate should protect the Constitution, not Executive Privilege, POTUS nor the Presidency.

Be prepared for a difficult situation. so protect yourself. While most are battening down the hatches, The Republicans are leading an assault on #USA. Are Financial and Public Institutions anticipating further trouble?

NOTE: It's not my job to sail this ship the horn I can now blow. it's not my job to sail how far the ship is allowed to go. it's not my job to throttle down or even clag the bell but if we hit the dock lets see who catches. hell. Battens are strips of wood used for fastening things down. Hatches are openings in the deck of a ship or the wooden flaps which cover the openings.

It is unofficially Bolton Day in America, as US Senators vote on impeachment witnesses, or to acquit #POTUS Lamar Alexander, Key G.O.P. Senator, Plans to Oppose Move for New Evidence

It's now or never, with a legacy-defining vote. #Republican #GOP #Senators Remembered for a Single Vote

Adam had his Schiff Together, B

The US Congress Intelligence Chair could not shake the spell of Cult 45

Image #DOD
