

Submitted by ub on

The nation's highest court is expected to issue a landmark decision on the Affordable Care Act, also known as OBAMACARE.

There are several key legal issues being reviewed by the supreme court and this debated case revolves around the constitutionality of the individual mandate. It is scheduled to take effect in 2014 and will require that everyone maintain a certain level of health insurance in order to expand insurance pools and help mediate costs.

This forced purchase has angered opponents, who say this bill sets the precedent for the government to dictate other types of purchases.

Obama Issues Executive Immigration Order

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President Obama is currently announcing an executive order regarding his administration's new policy for granting young immigrants workers permits. The announcement is being broadcast live from the White House Rose Garden.

This current administration has reportedly deported more illegal immigrants than any previous administration and with 150 days left before election day, critics say he had to do something to increase his popularity.

NYC Transportation Budget Hearing

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Today, May 23, 2012 NYC Council Members James Vacca, Chair of the Transportation Committee, and Domenic Recchia, Chair of the Finance Committee, will hold a joint hearing to discuss the Administration’s Executive Budgets with respect to transportation.

Since the Committee’s preliminary budget hearings, MTA’s capital plan has been fully funded through 2014, but the Agency has planned fare hikes of 7.5% in both January 2013 and January 2015. In addition, the East Side Access project was recently announced to be $1B over budget and far behind its scheduled completion date.

Congress In-Action

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Can members of US Congress get anything done during this election year? Some observers may say probably not, if their past record is any indication.

OBAMA: If you have shown little talent for leadership and wasted years dealing with Congress, you may not get a do-over. Then you're outta the Oval, and that new president gets his four years. But if this happens, then what do we have to look forward to?

PROBLEMS - Contact Your Public Servant

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NYC Council Member, Council District 13
James Vacca
3040 East Tremont Avenue

Bronx Borough President
Adolfo Carrión Jr.
851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451

State Senator, District 34
Jeff Klein
3713 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, New York 10465

State Assemblyman, Assembly District 82
Michael Benedetto
3369 East Tremont Ave.
Bronx, NY 10461

U. S. Congress
Representative Joseph Crowley
2800 Bruckner Blvd


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DATE: APRIL 18, 2012

TIME: 6:00 PM TO 8:30PM

Hutchinson Metro Center 1200 Waters Place, Bx, NY

The guest speaker is Andrea J. Quarantillo,

District Director for NYC US Citizenship & Immigration Services

US Homeland Security

They will speaking on the Dream Act and offer valuable information on Immigration issues.

Please bring members of your congregation and community that will benefit from this information.


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This week, the Supreme Court held three days of oral arguments on the multi-state lawsuit challenging the 2010 health care law. Justices sat for a combined six hours to determine the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The case is officially known as Florida v. Department of Health & Human Services.

Anti-Injunction Act

New Director of Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School Professor of Medicine Russell S. Phillips has been appointed inaugural Director of the Harvard Medical School Center for Primary Care by Jeffrey S. Flier, dean of the faculty of medicine. Andrew L. Ellner, instructor in medicine, will assume the position of co-director. Both Phillips and Ellner, along with Professor of Medicine David Bates, co-led the Center on an interim basis. Bates will continue to work with the Center closely as an advisor.



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Most anyone who decides to enjoy a long walk through an area park, or perhaps walks barefoot on the sand at a nearby beach will undoubtedly find a few plastic bags before too long. This is a growing problem which has to be addressed on a global level.

Why can't shoppers stop using plastic bags? But the problem does not stop if everyone begins using other kinds of bags. Stronger, heavier bags, whether made of fabric or plastic, have a bigger environmental impact than standard supermarket shopping bags.

Single-use bags, both paper and plastic, represent a huge threat to the environment. This threat is not only related to the sheer volume of them ending up in landfill, but also to the resources needed to produce, transport and (occasionally) recycle them, and the emissions resulting from these processes. Single-use plastic bags are also well known for their interference in ecosystems and the part they play in flood events, where they clog pipes and drains.

According to published statistics, about 380 billion plastic bags are used in the United States every year alone. That’s more than 1,200 bags per US resident every year. An estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags and only 1 to 2% of plastic bags in the USA end up getting recycled. Thousands of marine animals and more than 1 million birds die each year as a result of plastic pollution.